Moleskine Original Volant
Moleskine Original Volant Notebooks
We are pretty sure Lovenotebooks.com is the only website where you can buy the now out of print Moleskine Original Volant.
In 2003 Moleskine introduced the Volant, from the Italian verb volare, to fly. These flexible and light thread bound notebooks were packaged in generous sets of 3 and easy to take along where ever you went. It was a great idea, whos time had not come... yet. They were discontinued in 2004 and Moleskine introduced the Cahier notebooks instead.
In 2008 Moleskine reintroduced the Volants to great success in packs of 2. Lovenotebooks offers you a chance to own a piece of Moleskine history, the original now out of print Volant notebooks in sets of 3 as long as supplies last. The Volant series also includes an ultra thin address book that is super handy to store not just addresses, but also passwords and other information that is easily indexed alphabetically.
Let your imagination take flight with the light and flexible original Moleskine Volant.