The Gutenberg Bible is one of the earliest mass-produced books in human history. Only 49 copies of the two-volume Latin Bible survive today. In the 15th century Johannes Gutenberg invented printing using movable or reproducible type. Gutenberg's new techniques enabled the creation of his famed 42-line Bible and his invention made it possible to reprint the work of scribes.
Paperblanks Gutenberg Bible journals reproduces two designs created by German Artist Gisela Maschmann, who has modeled her miniature paintings on a volume of Gutenberg's ecclesiastic masterwork now housed in the Berlin State Library.
Lovenotebooks offers the complete collection, which includes 4 sizes of notebooks, two cover designs and one pencil case with magnetic closure.
All the Paperblanks Gutenberg notebooks are hard cover with magnetic flap closure. The design dubbed Parabole, which has more miniature painting is available in Grande 8.25 x 11.25 inch, Midi 5 x 7 inch and Mini 4 x 5.5 Inch. The cover Design dubbed Genesis is available in Ultra 7 x 9 Inch, Midi 5 x 7 inch and Slim 3.75 x 7 Inch journals.
Paperblanks uses a smooth paper in paperweight 120 gsm in the Grande, Ultra and Midi size and 85 gsm in the Mini and Slim size. Grande has a page count of 128 , The Ultra and midi of 144 and the mini and slim have 176 pages.
All notebooks have a nice quality fabric page marker and a memento pouch on the inside back cover.
Paperblanks broad selection of Gutenberg Notebooks is a must have for a modern scribe of letters and scholars of faith.

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