Leuchtturm1917's series of bullet journals helped Bullet Journaling go mainstream. New York designer Ryder Carroll's method of self organization and actualization resonated with note takers around the world.
Bullet journaling helps you organize and create an overview of tasks, goals, ideas and thoughts in a way that suits your own thought and work processs with ample room for self expression on each page.
After extensive input from the bullet journaling community Leuchtturm has introduced Edition 2. Making bullet journaling even more accessible and effective.
All your favorite features from the Bullet Journal® – Edition 1 are still there
All the trusted features you love and rely on such as Future Log, three bookmarks, index and numbered pages are included in the new edition.
Leuchtturm1917 bullet journal now has specially developed 120 g/m² paper. Low transparency prevents earlier journal entries from shining through.
Smooth paper is compatible with most inks and writing instruments allowing for maximum self expression on the page.

Bullet Journal Edition 2 includes a pocket guide inside the memento pocket on the inside back cover.
This pocket guide gets you up and running quickly if bullet journaling is new to you. Experienced bullet- journalers will find useful tips and insights in the guide.
The Grid Guide is a new feature in the Bullet Journal® – Edition 2.
The Grid Guide provides instructions in the front of the book to make
it easier for you to create calendar overviews, diagrams or trackers.
Bonus feature
Leuchtturm1917 new Page Dividers put smart markings on each page. It will help you divide pages into fields or sections fast.

Bullet Journal® – Edition 2 includes a new and improved sticker set.
You have more design options. The Sticker Set includes months and weekdays and lots of eye-catching
icons that can be used for labelling.
Page one: Create a legend key
Use Ryder Carroll's icons, design your own, or adapt as you see fit.
A to-do list Example:
Use bullet points (dot grid paper will help) to list individual tasks. A to-do list for the day at hand will list all items one below the other.
Completed a task? Change the dot to a cross. An item on the list not completed gets moved to the next day and receives an arrow pointing to the right.
This is just a brief example for one page. Experiment until you find the notation system that works best for you. Read the included quick start guide before you put your pen to paper.

details matter
Leuchtturm1917 is a line of notebooks by the German manufacturer Leuchtturm, the worlds premier manufacturer of collectors albums for stamps and coins. When you supply the albums that built collections over a lifetime you learn a thing or two about quality and details that matter. Archival paper quality, numbered pages and a blank table of contents set Leuchtturm Notebooks and Planners apart from the pack.